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UPDATE, 1:26 p.m.: Due to power outages, Plano Campus and Public Safety Training Center are closed today, March 4. All other campuses remain open and operating under normal business hours.

Student Financial Services

Affordable College

Collin College is committed to providing students with high quality, affordable educational opportunities.

Financial aid, scholarships, and payment plans may be available to make paying for college affordable.

Students are responsible for maintaining their course registration status for a term, meeting all payment deadline requirements, and complying with Collin's Student Financial Responsibility agreement.

Visit Student Financials for contact information, office locations and hours. 

Student Financials Information

Students receive account information through their Collin email, CougarWeb and through their Workday Financials Hub. Students are responsible for checking that email and their account after any registration activity for an updated balance.

The 1098-T form is available by the end of January for the prior year activity. Students will receive an email once it is available.


Visit 1098-T Information for more information. 

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records, including student financial accounts. Students may authorize third parties (parents, guardians, or other applicable third parties) to some areas of their Workday student account, allowing them to grant access to financial information, pay their bill, and/or view their grades or class schedule. 

Helpful hint: Students decide who to give access to their information and the access that they grant. They are responsible for adding, changing, and removing third-party access at any time. 

Review this form to learn how to add a Third-Party and Setting Permissions in Workday.

Registration begins the first day course registration opens to students to the day before a term or express/weekend session begins. Late Registration which begins at 12:01 a.m. on the first day of term or express/weekend session.

Credit Term
•  Early Priority Registration
•  Regular Registration
Late Registration (late fee is assessed)

Continuing Education (CE) Registration
•  Options to register for classes throughout the semester
Registration is complete only upon full payment of tuition. It is the student's responsibility to make payment by the applicable Payment Deadline.


Visit Online Registration to learn more about registration date for each semester. 


Visit Continuing Education if you are taking CE classes. 


The cost of attendance (COA), also known as the budget, is an estimate of what it costs the typical student to attend Collin College for a given time period.

Actual costs of attendance will vary according to the number of credit hours you register for, your residency status, the housing you choose and your lifestyle.

The following items should be considered when budgeted:
•  Tuition and Fees - enrollment hours and fees
•  Books and Supplies - student's courses
•  Housing and Food - housing and food choices
•  Transportation - costs will vary
•  Miscellaneous - personal living expenses
Standardized costs of attendance are established and published on the website each year and are applied equally across similar groups of students (for example, all full-time, in-county students living off-campus).


View Cost of Attendance.

Visit Financial Aid.


Collin's refund policy is defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board refund rules and is determined by course start date, duration of course, and date of student drop/withdrawal activity.
Refunds require a minimum of four (4) weeks to process.
Students will not receive a refund immediately.
Direct Deposit is the safest and fastest method to receiving a refund.


Helpful links:



Credit Term Early Registration is from the first registration day through the advertised early registration payment deadline. Funding for all charges on the account is due in full on or before the early registration payment deadline. Acceptable funding is payment in full, awarded and noted financial aid, verified third-party/sponsor funding, exemptions/waivers, an installment payment plan in place, or a combination of the above. After the payment deadline, students with outstanding balances not funded in full may be dropped from all classes, including wait-listed courses. Note: Wintermester does not offer an early registration window.
Credit Term Regular Registration begins after the early registration payment deadline and continues until the day before the term starts. Funding for all charges on the account is due in full at course registration. An outstanding balance will result in holds, and the student's registration status may change.
Credit Term Late Registration (late fee is assessed) begins the first day of the primary session for the term. Regular and late registration activity, including Weekend, Express, and Mini-semester registration, must be paid in full at registration. An outstanding balance will result in holds, and the student's registration status may change.  
Continuing Education (CE) Registration charges are per course. Refer to the current CE Course Schedule for available classes and costs. Payment is due at the time of registration for CE courses. Unfunded courses may be canceled for non-payment. 


Helpful links:

•  Registration Dates

•  Calendars

•  CE Registration


Residency status of the student is determined during the admissions process.
The residency classification determines the tuition rate the student must pay.

Visit Residency to determine your classification.

Students are responsible for maintaining schedule accuracy and meeting payment deadline requirements.
Any balance on a student account not paid in compliance with payment deadlines will result in registration, and graduation holds on the account until the unpaid balance is resolved.
Unpaid balances may change course registration status, collection action, and associated percentage-based fees.
If you have additional questions, email Student Financial Services at
Please include your CWID to facilitate responses to questions and concerns.

Undergraduate (Credit) course tuition assessment is based on residency and the number of enrolled credit hours.
Continuing Education (CE) courses are priced per course.
Special fees and charges may be added as necessary and as approved by the college Board of Trustees.


Visit Tuition to learn more about Collin College tuition rates and fee. 



Payment Overview

Students are responsible for maintaining schedule accuracy and meeting payment deadline requirements. Any balance on a student account not paid in compliance with payment deadlines will result in registration, and graduation holds on the account until the unpaid balance is resolved. Unpaid balances may change course registration status, collection action, and associated percentage-based fees. If you have additional questions, email Please include your CWID to facilitate responses to questions and concerns.
Dates are provided for informational purposes only. Collin reserves the right to make changes or deletions without notice. If there is a discrepancy between the dates on this page and Collin's Master Calendar, contact

View Payment Quick Guide.

Payment Information


Recommended and available 24/7

Payments are dated same day as activity, regardless of office hours


Online Payments

CougarWeb > Student Financials > Workday > Financials Hub >

Suggested Links > Transact Payment > Make A Payment


To see your current charges:

OneLogin > Workday > Financials Hub > View Account Activity > Refresh Account


By Mail

Check Payment ONLY (Do NOT send cash or credit card information by mail)

The check amount may not exceed the outstanding account balance
Include Texas driver’s license # of check signer, phone #, date of birth, and student's full name & CWID
Postmarks are not a consideration, payment should be received by the posted deadline
 Mail to:

Collin College

Attn: Student Financials

3452 Spur 399, Suite 327

McKinney, TX  75069  


In Person

Pay at the Student Financial Services campus locations during regular business hours. 

Area high schools that partner with Collin can establish payment deadline requirements earlier than Collin's required payment date. 

Dual credit students should contact their high school for payment deadline dates. 

If the high school deadline differs from Collin's payment deadline, then the earliest deadline should be met, whether it is the high school's or Collin's.

Students eligible for tuition waivers or tuition and fee exemptions should contact the appropriate office. 

1. Student Financial Services Office for most tuition waivers
2. Financial Aid Office for most exemption programs
3. Access Office for deaf and blind exemption
4. Academic Partnerships for concurrent high school exemption and dual credit 


If the noted financial aid award is on your account and covers the balance of the current term, (credit or CE), the noted award of financial assistance will hold your course enrollment.  However, if the financial aid award is for a future term, you should pay the amount due for the current term.  


Students with accepted financial aid awards noted on the student account as Authorized Aid and an amount sufficient to cover all tuition and fee charges for the term do not need to make an additional payment.  


Certified/accepted financial aid funds are disbursed to the student account after faculty certify attendance in the course, which is generally 3-5 days after the Census Date of the primary session in the term, creating a credit balance.  Account charges are deducted from the financial aid credit, and the balance is refunded to the student in 7-14 days. 


Scholarships for financial aid awards will be processed as noted above but may only be refunded to the student if authorized by the scholarship donor. 

Students with scholarship credits on their account from an earlier term should verify with Student Financials that those funds may be used for new term charges.  


Students are responsible for fulfilling any financial aid requirements, maintaining the current enrollment status of courses, and paying for any balance on the student account not paid in full by financial aid.


NOTE - Verify with your financial aid advisor that all necessary steps to receive your award have been completed and maintain an accurate course schedule for the term. 

See Installment Payment Plans (IPP) below for specific semester information


"No Fee" Payment Plan

- Available during early registration periods only
- Students may make partial payments throughout early registration as their budgets permit

- The entire balance must be paid in full by the early registration payment deadline


Installment Payment Plan (IPP)

          - Available for credit terms, not CE courses, with a minimum balance of $200


Important Reminders

- Do NOT use a savings account when establishing a saved payment method

- Stopping payment on a check or credit card payment will not cancel an installment payment plan

- Any refund due because of dropped or withdrawn courses will be applied to any unpaid charges

- Official grades may be withheld until all payments have been made, and default may result in course withdrawal


Enrollment in an IPP online

OneLogin > Workday > Financials Hub > Suggested Links >

TransAct Payment > View Payment Plan Options > Enroll in Plan >

Agree to Terms & Conditions > Continue > Enter Financial Information >

Agree to Auto Pay Terms & Conditions > Continue >Verify Correct Information > PAY


Spring 2025 Installment Payment Plan: 


The Spring 2025 installment payment plan will be available online in mid-November for accounts with a minimum balance of $200.

First installment of 25% of balance plus $25 payment plan fee will be required to set up.

Second installment of 25% of remaining balance is due on February 3, 2025

Third installment of 25% of remaining balance is due on March 3, 2025

Final installment of the remaining balance is due on April 3, 2025


Summer 2025 Installment Payment Plan:


          The Summer 2025 installment payment plan will be available online in mid-April for accounts with a minimum balance of $200.

          First installment of 50% of balance plus $25 payment plan fee will be required to set up.

          Second installment of 25% of remaining balance is due on May 27, 2025

          Final installment of 25% of remaining balance is due on June 24, 2025


IPP Quick Guide



Collin has partnered with Flywire to streamline the process of international payments.

- Allows international students to pay securely from any country and bank

- Generally, in the home country's currency

- Allows students to track their payments from start to finish

- Saves on bank fees and exchange rates

- Access to multilingual customer support team 24/7 with questions on the payment process


Payment must be received at Collin by applicable payment deadlines


Visit Flywire to begin an international, secure payment.

Students are responsible for payment of all classes they are enrolled in, regardless of attendance.


Payment for any balance should be completed during registration to avoid being dropped for non-payment and to ensure course enrollment.

All payment deadlines must be met to ensure course enrollment.

Making a partial payment does not initiate an installment payment plan or hold registration.


Students with an outstanding balance the day after the Early Registration Payment Deadline may be dropped from ALL enrolled courses, even if they were already funded.


The dropped for non-payment process occurs every 24 hours. If dropped for non-payment, it is the student's responsibility to re-register and pay for courses. 


E-materials are not refundable after the census date.

To have e-material charges completely removed from your account, you must either:

Drop the class prior to the census date

Opt-out of the e-material charge on Canvas prior to the census date


It is the responsibility of the student to drop any classes they do not wish to attend. 

To receive a 100% refund, the student must drop before the part of term begins. After that, refunds are percentage based per Texas state guidelines.

Beginning on the first day of the part of term, if the student drops classes on or before the census date, they are still responsible for payment of the tuition percentages.

If the student drops classes after the census date, they are still responsible for payment of any e-materials and tuition percentages of those dropped courses. 


Consequences for Dropped Courses

Payments are applied first to charges for specific terms on the student's account that they select to pay.


Collin reserves the right to apply current payments against prior existing balances, regardless of the posted payment term.
If you register and pay for multiple terms in the same period and then change your schedule, a credit in one term might be available and could be applied to unpaid charges in the other term. 
Contact the Student Financial Services Office to request the credit be applied to your intended balance.
To ensure enrollment, the student must meet each payment deadline for courses enrolled for every term and maintain accurate registration status.  

Credit Courses

There is a set deadline for payment for each semester.

Payment Deadline


All payment deadlines must be met to ensure course enrollment.


Student Financials must receive full payment to comply with the payment deadline requirements. Postmarks are not a consideration, and mail delivery does not occur on published campus closure dates. Online payments are posted on the same day as the activity, regardless of office hours. 
Continuing Education students pay at the time of registration. Payment plans are not available.
Courses in accounts with outstanding balances are subject to being dropped for non-payment.


Board Policy FD(LEGAL)-LJC

Board Policy FD(LOCAL)-XBoard Policy Exhibit

Board Policy Exhibit

MasterCard, Visa and Discover (Collin College does not accept American Express)

Debit Card
Credit Card

Gift Card (Do not discard, since any refund will be processed to the original gift card.)

NOTE - When establishing a saved payment method, do NOT use a savings account since most are non-transactional accounts 


Check (Add student's name & CWID)

Personal Check (Include check signers TX DL#, phone & DOB)

Cashier's Check

Money Order

Web Check 



In person payment ONLY

Collin College must receive the scholarship funds by the applicable payment deadline for the scholarship to hold your courses. Balances not covered by the scholarship need to be paid in full by the deadline. 


Donors must provide to Collin: 

1. Donor name, address, phone number and email 

2. Donor completed w-9 form

3. Scholarship award letter 

4. Statement including the following:

- Student name & CWID (Collin College Student ID number)

- Funds to be credited for:

only one semester OR

one academic year OR

can be used throughout entire enrollment at Collin 

- Funds are to be used for; tuition, fees, books, supplies, housing, meals 

- If remaining funds should be: released to the student OR returned to the donor 

   using the donor provided information unless stated otherwise

 5. Checks include the following:

 - STUDENT NAME and CWID in the memo line

 - Made payable to Collin College

6. Scholarship checks & the complete information requested above, can be mailed to:

Collin College

Attn: Student Financials

3452 Spur 399, Suite 327

McKinney, TX  75069


Important Reminders:

Scholarship checks must be received, or payment made by the student, PRIOR to payment deadline in order for classes to be held. 

Any student personal payments made that are subsequently covered by a scholarship will be refunded to the student after census date. 

The charges on the student account will be deducted from the scholarship credit, but will not be refunded to the student unless authorized by the donor. 

Any excess funds left over after census date will be refunded to the student if authorized by the donor. 

Students are responsible for fulfilling any scholarship requirements, maintaining current enrollment status, and payment for balance on the student account not paid by the scholarship. 

Students with scholarship credits on their account from an earlier term should verify with the Student Financials Office or donor that those funds may be used for new term charges. 

Students with remaining scholarship funds who will no longer be attending Collin College, should notify the Student Financials Office so that funds may be returned to the donor.

If you have scholarship funds remaining from an earlier scholarship award in a prior term, verify with Student Financials that those funds may be applied to the current term charges.





Phone: 972-548-6616 option 4

A valid agreement between an agency and Collin College must be on file, and the student must present a voucher from the business or agency paying tuition to the Student Financials Office before the payment deadline for each term.


- Students will be responsible for amount owed if the sponsoring agency does not  remit payment in full

- Veterans using Post 9/11 education benefits may email to use their Chapter 33 benefits

- Students using Texas Guaranteed Prepaid plans for funding may email their term-specific third-party authorizations to 

Please include:

Your name
Term authorized for funding
The Texas Guaranteed plan number

Veterans Services Office

Contact a member of our Veterans Services Team:
Phone: 972.881.5760 Option #5